Treatments & Costs

The treatment concept of my work as a naturopath for women's health is holism. You will always be treated as a whole regardless of whether you book a nutrition consultation or bodywork session. The treatments I offer, however, have different focus areas:

Women's Health Bodywork
Body & Food
Emotion-focused Bodywork

as well as single treatments such as breast massage & deep belly massage.

You will find more information about the different sessions on their respective sites. If you have any questions or want to book an appointment, please click here.

I exclusively use certified organic, virgin body oils during the sessions, if needed.

Treatments & Costs

Appointments vary in length, as each issue requires a different level of intensity and regularity.
As a rule, the first appointment lasts 3 hours. This may sound very long to you, but you will soon realize that your body needs time to change on a deeper level and as we deal with your entire body as a complex unit, this takes time and 3 hours will pass by quickly.

The subsequent follow-up appointments last between 1.5 and 5 hours, depending on the symptoms and treatment plan, and the costs vary accordingly depending on the amount of time.
I usually recommend only one long appointment (3-5 hours) per cycle/month, as your body needs time to integrate. Short appointments (1-2 hours), which address specific complaints, can take place once a week.

Treatment appointments for 3 hours cost 240 €.
Treatment appointments for 2 hours cost 180 €.
The regular opening hours of the practice are Monday to Friday until 6pm.
Appointments that take place between 6pm and 8pm have a surcharge of €15 per hour.
Appointments between 8pm and 10pm have a surcharge of €25 per hour.

For curative treatments §4 Nr.14a UStG applies and a taxation on revenue after §19 Abs.1 UstG. All prices are final prices.

Reimbursement of costs

Private insurance, and state insurance + additional insurance
For the refunds of treatment costs, the table of costs for naturopaths (GebüH) serves as an orientation and first indication. The respective insurances may reimburse the costs (partly) according to the GebüH. These are individual case decisions. Please ask for advice by contacting your insurance company.

State insurance
Principally, state insurances do not cover costs of naturopathic treatments. Naturopathic appointments are usually paid directly. Please ask for advice by contacting your insurance company.

Cancellation of appointment
Agreed-upon and settled appointments are exclusively reserved for you.
All appointments that are cancelled within 48 hours prior to the agreed-upon date will be charged. Cancellation or delaying an appointment can be easily done up to 48 hours prior to the agreed-upon date via email.